Christian Humanist Profiles 256: Jeffrey Bilbro & David Henreckson

March 25, 2024 01:02:05
Christian Humanist Profiles 256: Jeffrey Bilbro & David Henreckson
Christian Humanist Profiles
Christian Humanist Profiles 256: Jeffrey Bilbro & David Henreckson

Mar 25 2024 | 01:02:05


Hosted By

Nathan P Gilmour

Show Notes

What is education for?  The oldest grand library of which I have any knowledge is the tablet-collection of the Assyrian emperor Ashurbanipal, and as far as I can tell, it’s mainly a collection of magic spells for the court sorcerers to draw from when they need this or that kind of wizardry.  And on the other end of things, in our little corner of the twenty-first century, some colleges seem to advertise exclusively (or pretty dang near exclusively) what kinds of financial benefits their schools offer to those who enroll.  Folks who have heard the Christian Humanist Radio Network talk about education over the years know that we tend to favor visions of education from somewhere in between historically and nowhere in the vicinity theologically, and that’s why I’m excited to have Dr. Jeffrey Bilbro and Dr. David Henreckson on the show to talk about The Liberating Arts: Why We Need Liberal Arts Education from Plough Press.  This collection, which they edited with Jessica Hooten Wilson, doesn’t really get into the sorcery end of things–just not that urgent any more, I suppose–but have a good deal to say about the aspirations and visions of education that in our moment stand as a compelling and faithful calls to Christian communities concerned with teaching what’s most worth teaching.

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