In 1917 four seismic shocks rocked the human species: in Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution brought a specter from Europe into the center of the world’s most expansive land empire. In Europe, an armistice ended the Great War. Around the world, a pandemic virus began to kill its millions. And in America, the first jazz recording became available. Communism and viruses and jazz had been around before then, of course, but history tells stories with sources, so here we are. A hundred and eight years later, the span between Chicago Cubs World Series wins, the Reverend William Carter is here to join us and talk about the spirituality of it all. Okay, mainly of jazz. His book Thriving on a Riff from Broadleaf Books meditates on spiritual matters with one hand on the Bible and the other on the piano keys, and Christian Humanist Profiles is glad to welcome him to the show.
Nathan Gilmour interviews David Bentley Hart about his new book "That All Shall Be Saved."
Michial Farmer interviews Stephen Backhouse about his recent book, "Kierkegaard: A Single Life."
Michial Farmer interviews Jeffrey Bilbro about his recent book, "Wendell Berry and Higher Education."