Latest Episodes

Christian Humanist Profiles 254: Bill Carter
In 1917 four seismic shocks rocked the human species: in Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution brought a specter from Europe into the center of the...

Christian Humanist Profiles 263: Jeff Bilbro
With the obvious exception of Plato’s Phaedrus, really old books don’t spend much time on technology. Perhaps the tools didn’t change fast enough. Perhaps...

Christian Humanist Profiles 262: Richard Detweiler
Liberty has always carried tricky questions with it. Most folks in 2025 would agree that human beings should have liberty, but how one becomes...

Christian Humanist Profiles 261: Phillip Cary
My own tradition within the Church was an early adopter of the motto “No creed but Christ.” For what intentions are worth, my forerunners...

Christian Humanist Profiles 260: Colin Seale
Among education writers, the phrase “critical thinking” can run from nebulous notions to utter ciphers. Few will disagree that critical thinking is good and...

Christian Humanist Profiles 259: Katherine Dell
When I was a novice in Biblical Studies Hans Frei’s book The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative invited me to consider not only the world...